Starting Nursery in September 2024:

Closing date for Nursery places is 10th February 2024 (or the working day before if the 10th falls on a weekend)

All 3 and 4 year old's are eligible for 15 hours of early education and childcare.  Working parents may also be eligible for an extended 15 hours of childcare called 30 Hours Childcare, offering 30 hours a week during term time or around 22 hours a week over a full year.

Click here to see if you are eligible

Starting Reception in September 2024:

Closing date for Reception places is 15th January 2024 (or the working day before if the 15th falls on a weekend)

If you are applying for Reception place starting in September 2024 please start your online application here

Don't forget to complete the SIF form found below and bring it to the school in person

In Year Admissions

St Ursula's Catholic Primary School is a Catholic voluntary aided school in the trusteeship of the Diocese of Brentwood. The Governors consider that the greatest pastoral benefit from the education in a Catholic school is obtained by children who come from homes where the Catholic Faith is practised. 

Preference will be given to baptised practising Catholic children whose application is accompanied by a Baptisimal Certificate, proof of date of birth and a Certificate of Catholic Practice or Mass Card from the Parish Priest at the Church where the family usually worships. Two items of paperwork showing verification of address will also be required.  Please read our Admissions Criteria below for further information.

The Governing Body is the Admission Authority and as such is fully responsible for all admissions to the school. Applicants are invited to complete the supplementary information form as part of their application, this can be done by printing and completing a paper copy below. 

All applicants must also complete the Common Application Form which is available from the Havering School Admissions Team on Tel: 01708 434600 or start your In-year application online by clicking here

Admissions 2023-2024

Updated: 29/09/2022 908 KB
Updated: 29/09/2022 669 KB

Admissions 2024-2025

Updated: 23/11/2023 1.69 MB
Updated: 01/05/2024 582 KB